6. Using FileFlex in XFCN Environments
Besides working in Director, the professional version of FileFlex will work
with any application that allows you to run XFCNs (on the Macintosh) and
Director 4 (on both Macintosh and Windows). There are thirty or more of
these applications, including Director 4, Authorware, Frontier, SuperCard
and many others.
One of the design goals for FileFlex is that the data set you use (the FileFlex
database files) and the instructions you use to control access to the data
(the DBxxx instructions) are identical, regardless of which development
environment you're in. Most users will generally work in one environment,
but there are times that it's necessary to use one development tool for
one purpose and another for another purpose. In these instances, FileFlex
can come in very handy to make sure you've got common data and don't need
to learn another API.
Because each of these applications are very different, their development
environments and development requirements vary greatly. As a result, we
can't provide you with detailed instructions for each tool. What we can
do is provide general techniques and background for using FileFlex in pretty-much
any XCMD-compatible application.
The FileFlex "Wrapper" Mechanism
In most environments, when you make a call to FileFlex, you're really executing
a script "wrapper" that then calls the actual XFCN code resource.
Here's a sample of one such wrapper:
Function DBSeek seekExpr
return FileFlex (13, seekExpr)
End DBSeek
In the above wrapper, the actual XFCN call is "FileFlex (13, seekExpr)";
the other lines define the DBSeek function and execute the HyperTalk handler
So, if there's only a few lines around the XFCN call, why use wrappers at
There are three reasons:
- The wrapper mechanism allows us to define a bunch of easily understandable
calls (i.e., DBUse, DBSeek, DBSkip, DBGo) to one XFCN resource. The alternative
(which we'll explore below) would have been to require you to memorize the
function codes (i.e., 13 for DBSeek).
- The wrappers allow us to add special features without changing the XFCN.
In particular, we added DBCheckActive, which makes sure that the FileFlex
session has been opened (through use of DBOpenSession).
- The wrapper mechanism allows you to check the parameters you're passing
to the XFCN. The number one problem coding FileFlex routines occurs when
the developer passes the wrong parameters to the database function. By installing
a wrapper, you can put a breakpoint and drop into the debugger just inside
the wrapper and before the function call. Way useful.
Wrappers are wonderful tools. But....
...wrappers can't be used if you're developing something in one of the thirty
or so products that support XFCNs but we have not supplied wrappers for
(e.g., Authorware, UserLand Frontier, Software Ventures Microphone, etc.)
If you use these functions, you'll have to call the XFCN directly. The direct
XFCN calls are described in detail in the Direct FileFlex
API Interface.
General Compatibility Issues
FileFlex will work well with almost all XCMD-compatible environments. The
XCMD standard originated in HyperCard and has since been adopted by a number
of other tool vendors. There are a few things to keep in mind, however.
FileFlex requires the GetGlobal and SetGlobal HyperCard XCMD callback to
be implemented. This is because FileFlex demands access to two specific
globals, gdbglobalptr1030 and gdberrorflag. This is normally
not a problem with most tools that provide XCMD support. But if you encounter
inconsistent behavior in your development tool, check with the vendor and
make sure GetGlobal and SetGlobal callbacks are supported.
If you want to get or send data to FileFlex-and you're not using something
that maps field information directly (like HyperCard or SuperCard)-you'll
need to avoid the "B" and "C" parameters. Bring the
card information into variables using DBGetFieldByName or DBGetFieldByNum.
You can also bring the entire record into a variable with DBGetCurrRecVal("L")-or
any non-"B" or non-"C" parameter. Then parse the variable
data down into usable chunks.
If your environment supports the SetGlobal and GetGlobal callbacks (most
do), you may want to send and retrieve data from global variables using
the "G" option. Make sure you understand how your environment
deals with globals so you avoid surprises.
Using FileFlex with Director 4
FileFlex is no longer supported for use with Director 4. If you really need
it, consider using FileFlex v1.7, which is available for download from the
Component web site. We strongly recommend you upgrade to Director 5. Please
note that while Director 5 supports the XFCN interface, we've taken special
pains to develop high-performance Xtra interfaces to Director and will not
be supporting using the XFCN version of FileFlex with Director 5.
Using FileFlex with HyperCard
In HyperCard, FileFlex provides a mechanism through DBWriteRec and DBGetCurrRecVal
that provides a one-for-one mapping between like named fields in FileFlex
files and HyperCard stacks. To access this feature, you'd use the "B"(for background) or "C" (for card) parameters to tell FileFlex
where to send the data.
The professional edition of FileFlex ships with a test bench for use in
HyperCard, as well as a "goodies" stack with additional tools.
Using FileFlex with Authorware Professional
In Authorware, it seems that globals retain their value (i.e., they're static).
This means the value of gDBActive1030 will not reset to empty when you exit
your Authorware production. You must use extra care to set gDBActive1030
to empty when you leave or start your production.
We are working towards a well-supported version of FileFlex for both Authorware
Windows and Authorware Macintosh. Be sure to subscribe to the FileFlex listserv
and visit the website for announcement details.
Using FileFlex with UserLand Frontier/Aretha
Frontier, from version 2.0 on, supports XCMDs and XFCNs. Frontier treats
everything as a function returning a value. FileFlex fits very well into
this model. In fact, it's pretty neat to see the Frontier object database
interact with the FileFlex databases.
Frontier ships with a special droplet that installs XCMDs and XFCNs directly
into the root file. Make sure when you install the FileFlex XCFN that the
code resources also follow along. Frontier data elements in the object database
are static. As in Authorware, you'll need to be sure to set gDBActive1030
to empty explicitly when leaving Frontier.
Using FileFlex with SuperCard 2.x
FileFlex works very nicely with SuperCard 1.6 and above (we recommend you
use SuperCard 2.x and up). Because SuperCard is so much like HyperCard,
you can even use the wrapper mechanism and the "B" and "C"parameters to DBGetCurrRecVal and DBWriteRec.
Open the FileFlex stack and copy the stack script into your project script.
This will give you access to the wrappers that are so valuable for development
and debugging.
SuperCard uses a unique mechanism of storing most resource information in
the data fork. Although the FileFlex XFCN can be converted to the data fork
format, it expects to find its supporting code resources in the resource
fork. Make sure that you have access to the code resources in the resource
fork before attempting to run FileFlex from within your SuperCard project.
Since FileFlex consists of an XFCN resource and five CODE resources, things
can get confusing. When the XFCN loads, it expects to look into the resource
fork for the CODE resources. To make FileFlex function properly, call openResources
with the appropriate parameters in your openProject handler and closeResources
in the closeProject handler. (Thanks to Andrew Meit for researching this
for us!)
Also remember that your resources and data fork quasi-resources will live
in different places in standalone projects and editable projects. When you
create your own standalone, make sure you've grabbed the appropriate code
resources from the SuperCard sharedfile.
Installing XFCN-Based FileFlex
There is no formal installer program for FileFlex. Just copy the files off
the distribution disk to your desired location on your hard drive volume
of choice.
Referencing FileFlex as an External Function
The very best way to use FileFlex is via your development tool's equivalent
to HyperCard's "start using" command. This allows you to call
on FileFlex' resources without needing to embed either the wrapper scripts
nor the XFCNs within your application-making it MUCH easier to update. Many
other development tools have a similar external library reference function
(in Director, it's called "openXLib", in SuperCard, it's "open
Installing the XFCN Resources
If you must install FileFlex into your project, you'll need to be sure to
install the FileFlex XFCN into your project. This is done using ResEdit
or some other resource editor. If you don't have (or don't know how to use)
ResEdit, you should use the "start using" method. Just open up
the FileFlex file in the resource editor, look for the single FileFlex XFCN,
and copy it into your project.
Note: Since version 1.7, FileFlex does not require 'CODE' resources!
Installing the Wrapper Scripts
We've provided wrapper scripts to help you call the FileFlex externals.
For HyperCard and SuperCard users, the wrapper scripts are stored in the
stack script of the FileFlex stack.
Upgrading FileFlex in an Existing Project
We're hoping that most people using FileFlex are using the "start using"method of accessing the functions. If so, upgrading is a simple matter of
deleting the old FileFlex stack and calling on the new one.
Here's what you need to do to clear out the old FileFlex and use the new
one (or if you wish to install FileFlex in files of your choosing):
- Make sure you make a backup of your original files.
- (This step is appropriate only if you're upgrading an old FileFlex prior
to v1.7) Open ResEdit (all good programmers should have ResEdit!) and open
the stack or file containing the original FileFlex resources. Delete both
the XDashboardDB XFCN and/or the FileFlex XFCN and the four 'CODE' resources
(for version 1.3.x) or the five 'CODE' resources (for version 1.5). Keep
this file open. Say goodbye to 'CODE' resources. I think they're finally
gone for good!
- (From here on, the instructions are valid if you're either upgrading
or installing FileFlex for the first time). Using ResEdit, open the new
FileFlex 1.7 file. Copy the FileFlex 1.7 XFCN from the FileFlex file to
your original project file (whether a Director movie, HyperCard stack, or
whatever). Close and save your original file. Exit ResEdit.
- Install the wrapper scripts
- Open HyperCard and open the FileFlex 1.7 stack script. Copy the entire
contents of the stack script to the clipboard. The stack script has been
substantially changed since version 1.6. If you've hacked the scripts, you'll
need to look carefully at the changes.
- Close the scripts
- Close the FileFlex 1.7 stack script.
- Install the scripts into your project
- Go to your original stack (the one containing the earlier FileFlex wrapper
scripts). Select and delete the original FileFlex wrapper scripts. Paste
in the new FileFlex 1.7 wrapper scripts. Close and save your script.
That should do it. Have fun!
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Copyright (c) 1996 David Gewirtz under license to Component Software Corp.
All rights reserved worldwide.